PVC carpentry
Out of this program we offer fast,quality and fair priced production and installing of PVC carpentries with GEALAN S 8000 IQ system with 4 and 6 chambers and installed depths (standard from 74 mm, in style from 84,5 mm) who enables:
- resonant and thermal isolation
- static and dynamic resistance because of the use of steel strengthenings
- the increased anti-theft protection because of large safety connections of profiles and chaines
- the high shine surfaces,thin appearance of the profile and simple maintenance
- profiles in white and 12 more acrylcolor paintings,in 7 colors of trees, who are resistant to scratchs
- anti-theft chains ROTO
- In the system profile is possible to install unique air system GECCO which enables the steady ventilation
The aluminic building locksmithery with the system of profile,chains and tools of world known quality SCHUCO which guarantee:
- high thermal and noise protection
- the different ways of opening
- requested design and functionality
- the hidden drainages system and invisible chains
- large selection of Schuco window handles
- the unlimited choice of colors
- the final processing of profile according to highest standards